Article 19222

Title of the article

Improving economic analysis and operational analytics in the process of implementing digital economy technologies 


Anzhela P. Panteleeva, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the sub-department of economics, finance and financial law, Pskov State University (2 L. Tolstogo street, Pskov, Russia), E-mail:
Sergey V. Petrov, Postgraduate student, Lomonosov Moscow State University (1 Leninskiye gory street, Moscow, Russia), E-mail: 


Background. In the conditions of modern technological progress, when a person as a subject of professional activity is increasingly distancing himself from direct, personal participation in all work processes, and routine tasks are delegated everywhere to computers and robots, it becomes especially important to optimize management systems for current, as well as strategic aspects of the functioning of social production and the economy. Analysis is one of the main components of the management of any economic entity: through analytical procedures, an objective, holistic picture is formed that allows the ma-nagement of an economic unit to have an idea of its financial and economic condition. Materials and methods. The implementation of research tasks was achieved on the basis of the study of analytical materials, legislation in the field of digital economy. Theoretical and empirical, formalnological, as well as economic and statistical methods were used in the work. Results. The digital economy in Russian conditions has one of the main problems of its formation precisely in the process of implementing its management, because the influence of this section on the subjects of economic relations has a direct and at the same time indirect impact, and it is impossible to exclude it. The solution to the identified problem can be the development and implementation of a system for automatic operational calculation of the risks of financial and economic activity of the subject of economic relations on the basis of accounting data, and then scoring the information received in accordance with data on industry leaders and industry average. Therefore, the introduction of a single software that allows online assessment of the current financial situation in this format while main-taining anonymity. Conclusions. Thus, the relevance of this study is due to the need to im-prove the methods and methods of economic analysis, as well as the construction of an adequate, timely mechanism of operational analytics that allows solving financial and eco-nomic tasks of an economic entity in accordance with the norms and requirements of its production technologies. 

Key words

digital economy resources, digitalization risks, management functions, digital economy, economic analysis 

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For citation:

Panteleeva A.P., Petrov S.V. Improving economic analysis and operational analytics in the process of implementing digital economy technologies. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Povolzhskiy region. Obshchestvennye nauki = University proceedings. Volga region. Social sciences. 2022;(2):200–209. (In Russ.). doi:10.21685/2072-3016-2022-2-19


Дата создания: 27.06.2022 09:18
Дата обновления: 17.08.2023 09:44